Quilt Auction
August 28, 2021
Day Camp Programs
Learn more what each camp has to offer you and your family
In a typical week, campers will be assigned a cabin and a counselor. They will spend days playing gaga ball, hiking, swimming, boating, crafting, worshiping, and encountering both the Bible and creation. There will be camp games and campfires, and holy time at the heart of each day with conversations about faith and life.
Day Camps
Entering grades K-6
Red Willow will send a group of counselors to your church to lead worship, Bible studies, games, crafts, and more! Day camps are two and a half days (Sunday - Tuesday or Wednesday - Friday). Day camp weeks fill up quickly, so if you'd like to sign up your church for a week of fun, call us at 701-676-2681! Note: Day camp registration is the responsibility of the hosting church. To sign your campers up for day camp, contact the church that is hosting Red Willow Day Camp.
Discovery Day Camps
Ages 18+
Day camp is not just for kids! Our Discovery Day Camp program gives adults with disabilities the opportunity to experience camp in a structured, supportive environment. We offer this program to churches or service providers as dates and staffing permit; contact us to learn more!